goimagine Maker Support Center Support Center

Uploading Photos /Images to Products

Supported formats to upload photos into goimagine are JPEG, GIF, and PNG. 

Thumbnails for these images will be generated automatically. One of the uploaded images will appear larger than the others. The larger image will be the main product image displayed on the product list and the product details page by default. To change the main image, drag and drop another image in its place. You can also change the order of additional images the same way. Please note that drag-and-drop features may not be available on mobile devices.

Hovering over the main image will bring up tools to rotate and crop. The crop tool will allow you to adjust what is shown as a thumbnail for the product listing. If you hover over any image, you can view the full-sized image, delete it, or edit its alt text. This text will be shown when the image is missing or cannot be displayed. It is a good practice to have an alternative text associated with the image for SEO purposes. 

PRODUCT SIZE RECOMMENDATION: We recommend product images be at least 1000 x 800 pixels with a 5:4 ratio. The size limit for product images is 5 MB - Please refer to our Image Guidelines for complete details.


If you are having trouble uploading your images, you may need to make your photos smaller in size. Many websites will compress your images for free. tinypng.com works great for reducing your image size.