goimagine Maker Support Center Support Center

Marketplace Taxes

As many online sellers are aware the United States has introduced laws over the past handful of years regarding sales tax collection that affect online marketplaces when they meet certain sales thresholds. Due to this goimagine has begun collecting and remitting tax on behalf of the makers selling on our platform.

This includes sales happening on both; goimagine and MOSAIC storefronts.

Where goimagine remits state sales tax on behalf makers

Starting on April 1, 2022 goimagine began calculating, collecting, and remitting state sales tax on all orders shipped to the following states. 

goimagine calculates the state sales tax rate (they can vary from location to location, and item to item) for the shipping address, charges the buyer, and sends the tax owed to the state.

goimagine will automatically take the sales tax amount from the payment when processed. When reviewing your payments through Stripe or PayPal the application fee / partner commission (which is sent to goimagine) will include both the sales tax sent to goimagine along with goimagine’s transaction fee.

If you are required to file a sales tax return in these states, you do not need to report sales tax on goimagine sales; all you need to do is state that the sales were made through goimagine.

If you have a physical presence in a state where goimagine collects and remits state sales tax on your behalf, you may still be required to file a state sales tax return to that state. However, you will not have to remit any tax collected on your sales made through goimagine because we will remit these funds on your behalf. While it varies depending on the state, many will require you to report your gross sales made through goimagine (and all other outlets that are collecting on your behalf), in addition to reporting and remitting the tax you’ve collected on sales you make off goimagine.