Options & Variations
To see a sample of product options go to this test product on goimagine here: https://goimagine.com/sample-en
NOTE ON "GLOBAL" OPTIONS: When you create a new option it automatically can be used on other products. This makes it easy to assign an option to many products at once and save you time from having to create the same option over and over.
It's important to know that if you use an option across multiple products and you change details on that option it will change the option on all products connected to that option. Also, if you CLONE a product any options from the original product will remain linked to the new product. So, if you edit the option on the cloned product it will also change the option on the original product.
To select an existing global option on to a new product simply type in the search box to find the option.
Options have the following details:
- Name—the name of the product option as it appears on the product for the buyer to see. (i.e. Color, Size, Type of Metal, etc.)
- Internal Name — The name of the "global" option that only appears in the Seller Dashboard to help you distinguish between multiple options that have the same displayed name. When an option is created it can be used on other products. For example, if you sell Shirts and Sweaters, you might have 2 separate options called Size. Without the internal code name they’d look the same in the Sellers Dashboard, and it’d be hard to guess which of these options to apply to your next newly-created product
- Position—the position of the product option relatively to other options in the list.
- Input Type—the type of the product option: Drop Down Box, Check box, Text or File.
- Drop Down Box
- Checkbox
- Text
- Upload File
- Drop Down Box
- Description—This is help test the customers see when hovering over the '?' sign next to the option name.
- Comment—the comment to be displayed below the option on the storefront.
- Required—if you tick this checkbox, customers will have to select/enter the variant of this option.
Variants on Options
Options for the Drop Down Box or Check box option types have variants that a customer can choose from. Option variants can be configured by clicking ADD VARIANT and have the following properties:
- Name—the name of the option variant. For example, if the option is titled Size, the variants to the option can be Small, Medium, Large, etc.
- Price +/- Modifier—A positive or negative value that will be added to or subtracted from the original product price. This can be used if a variant should add to the price of the product.
- Status—the status of the variant (Active or Disabled).